
To whom it may concern #

Does your team need an energetic and passionate presence who delights in bringing a smile to their teammates’ faces?

Are you looking for an experienced backend software developer who writes high-quality software and infrastructure as code?

Do you need a backend generalist, capable of designing complete cloud solutions from scratch?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, continue reading to learn what I can do for your team.

Overview #

On this website, I’ve written about the fundamental reasons that my next employer should hire me and what I’m looking for in the next step of my career.

Why me - What sets me apart from the crowd.

Values - What I’m looking for in the next chapter of my career.

Development Philosophy - My approach to software development.

Projects - Examples of code I’ve published.

About - More about me as a person.

FAQ - Frequently asked interview questions and my answers to them.